Please directive, Management of As-Syifa Sagalaherang Islamic Boarding School sowan to the Ministry of Religion of Subang.

Ahead of the opening of the As-Syifa Sagalaherang Islamic Boarding School, Monday (31/01) the management of the Sowan Islamic Boarding School went to the Ministry of Religion of Subang to ask for directions regarding the As-Syifa Sagalaherang Islamic Boarding School which will start operating in June 2022.
Received in the office of the Head of the Ministry of Religion, Subang. KH. Farhan Muhammad, Lc as the Head of Islamic Boarding School and his entourage were welcomed by Dr. Agus Sutisna, S.Ag., M.Pd. who was accompanied by the Head of Madrasah Education and Head of Pontren at the Ministry of Religion of Subang.
In his remarks, the Head of the Subang Ministry of Religion expressed his support for the establishment of the As-Syifa Sagalaherang Islamic Boarding School and at the same time provided directions regarding the permit process that As-Syifa had to go through while at the same time emphasized that the Subang Ministry of Religion was ready to simplify the permit process for its establishment.
“Yes, of course, we support the growth of madrasas in Subang, especially As-Syifa has a good track record in the world of education. And we are ready to help with the licensing process for the establishment of As-Syifa Islamic Boarding School” Added Agus Sutisna
On this occasion, Farhan Muhammad also expressed his gratitude for the good welcome and support by the Ministry of Religion of Subang for the establishment of the As-Syifa Sagalaherang Islamic Boarding School which was originally set to be inaugurated in June 2022. (Humas-Assyifa)
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